Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Home Care For Lip Infection

Lip infection can present you a very unpleasant experience especially when the infections are in form of sores. The sores can make you look ugly and also present a problem when you are eating taking food. Lip infection can be caused by a number of factors including cold, stress and viral infections. The infection can be on the top o the lips or inside the lining of the lips.

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The infection can present difficulties in taking very hot or very cold substances since the sores are very painful. There are a number of home remedies for lip infection that you should take when faced with lip infection to stop them from getting into a full blown problem.

Home treatment for lip infection will help you deal with the infection the moment the symptoms start showing off.  Below are some of the home remedies for lip infection that you can apply to deal with the problem.

1. Yogurt:
Yogurt provides a soothing effect as well as a healing property to you infected lips. It is a simple Home treatment for lip infection that is effective and simple to use. It contains bacteria that help in killing bad bacteria that causes lip infection. When you eat or drink yogurt you should smear some on the affected area of your lip. You should make an attempt of regularly applying yogurt on your lips when you have an infection since it will get rid of the problem.

2. Coconut oil
Coconut oil has an antibacterial and has the healing to most of microbial infections. When you apply coconut oil on the affected parts of your lip, it will sooth the nerves and also provides anti-inflammatory effect to the sores. With time the sores will start disappearing due to the antibiotic effect of coconut oil. Smearing coconut oil twice a day will get rid of the infection very fast. It is one of the most effective home remedies for lip infection.

3. Salty water
Salt is an antiseptic and it helps in clearing germs that cause infection.  It is a simple lip infection home remedy which only involves gargling a glass of salty water in your mouth and touching the lips with your tongue. This will help eliminate the infection through the killing of germs and bacteria that are causing the sores on your lips. The process of application involves making a mixture of salt and water using a half teaspoonful of salt and a glass of water. You then gargle the solution in your mouth severally to get rid of the infection.

4. Garlic 
Garlic is antibacterial and heals several body infections. It is also anti-inflammatory hence, can help reduce the size of the sores on your lips. Due to its healing properties, garlic is leveraged as one of the most effective home remedies for lip infection.  It can be used by crushing the garlic cloves to make a paste. Then you apply the paste around the affected areas of the lip. Moreover, it can be crushed and be used  together with tea. This will help you recover from the infection very fast.

5. Castor oil
Castor oil is antibacterial and helps in killing bacteria that cause the sores on the lip. It is an effective Home treatment for lip infection that heals the problem better. You only have to apply the oil around the affected parts of your lip twice a day and the results will be amazing when you do it for days.

6. Vitamin C
Taking food rich in vitamin C will also assist you in fighting bacteria that causes lip infection. This most of the citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges are rich in vitamin c. They will assist in killing the bacteria as well as providing your body with resistance to infection. You should try eating them in plenty to heal and prevent lip infection.

7. Water
Drinking plenty of water and other fluids will help you get rid of oxidants that cause infection to your body. Flushing them out will enable you stay free of infections and hence improve your recovery. Water is an essential commodity and beneficial to your health. Water will also prevent your lips from drying hence you won’t be wiping them regularly with your tongue. The bacteria causing the infection will be washed out of the body by simply drinking water.
